HOW Enter the world of Forex professional and I will be here a full explanation about Forex ~ فى خدمتكم العامه والربح من الإنترنت

اود ان ارحب بجميع الزوار الكرام

اهلا بك اخى الزائر فى موقعنا اخى الزائر هل يمكنك المجازفة بمبلغ 100$ للبدء فى مجال الفوريكس والحصول على دخل يومى لا يقل عن 10% من اجمالى المبلغ الذى قمت بايداعه انه هو الفوريكس سوق تداول العملات الاجنبيه* صدق او لا تصدق انها فعلا تجربه حقيقيه شيقه وممتعه وهيا انك تبدأ من الصفر وتكون نفسك ومستقبلك الى ان تصل الى مالا نهايه* اخى الزائر انها خدمه العمر اليك* من منا لا يحلم بهذه الفرصه دخل يبدأ من 10% ويصل الى 80% من المبلغ الذى قمت بايداعه او المبلغ الذى قد ربحته من 100$ فقط كل هذا وانت فى منزلك كل ما عليك فقط هو جهاز كمبيوتر متصل دائما بالانترنت* ايام العمل تبدأ من الاحد الساعة الحادية عشر منتصف الليل وتنتهى الجمعة الحادية عشر منتصف الليل*تجربتى الخاصه هيا اننى قمت اولا بعمل حساب على الفوركس وقمت بايداع مبلغ 100$ فقط واصبحت اربح كل يوم 10% من المبلغ الى ان وصلت النسبه الى 20%وهذا بفضل الله تعالى مع ايضا مراعاة فهم ما تقوم بالعمل به والاخذ بنصائح مدير حسابك الذى سيكون دائما متصل بك عبر الهاتف المحمول *مع اننى مبتدئ فى هذا المجال منذ شهر واحد فقط والان قد وصل حسابى فى الفوركس لـــ1000$ لكى اربح يوميا 10% اى 100$ حوالى 700 جنيه مصرى بمعنى ان دخلى فى الاسبوع الواحد 700فى5ايام عمل=3500 جنيه مصرى كل هذا وانا فى منزلى*انا ايضا اعلم ان كثير من الزوار لن يصدق هذا ويعتبر هذا الكلام مجرد تخاريف واوهام واحلام اذا كان هذا هو رأيك فى مجال الفوركس فهذه هى وجهة نظرك ولا يمكننى الرد فى التعليق عليك الا بالاحترام الكامل لرأيك الى ان ترى بعينك فى يوم من الايام لاننى ايضا كنت اعتقد هذا اولا ولا اصدقه ابدا* اما اذا كنت متحمس لهذا العمل الرائع والبدء فى مجال الفوركس كل ما عليك هو الاتصال بـــ عبدالقادر محمد مطر 01220092981 وسوف اشرح لك هذا المجال خطوه خطوه الى ان تثق به تماما وشكرا اخوكم عبدالقادر مع فائق الشكر والتقدير

عرض خاص انضم الان الى عالم الفوركس مجانا بدون اى عمليات ايداع مع انيستا فوركس من خلال تكوين مبلغ للتداول عن طريق الردود والمشاركات لكل رد او مشاركه 10 سينت للمزيد رجاء النقر فوق اغتنم الفرصه والتمرير للاسفل لمشاهدة فيديو الشرح المرفق للإستفسارات يرجى الاتصال على 01220092981 مع رجاء اذا كان الرقم بالانتظار رجاء الاتصال فى وقت لاحق وشكرا

اليكم التقويم الاقتصادى بتوقيت مصر مقدم من عبدالقادر مطر

التقويم الاقتصادي الحي مقدمًا من السعودية، المنفذ المالي الرائد.

الثلاثاء، 20 أغسطس 2013

HOW Enter the world of Forex professional and I will be here a full explanation about Forex

Ezay Enter the world of Forex professional and I will be here a full explanation about Forex


And are speculative by buying and selling major currencies which holds the share of basic operations in the forex market is the U.S. dollar (USD) (base currency) and the euro (EUR) and pound sterling (GBP) and Swiss franc (CHF) and Japanese yen (JPY).

And the purchase and sale of those currencies in U.S. dollars or other currencies among themselves what is known as currency pairs and so against the U.S. dollar or any other currency against another currency in value. And are considered speculative currency Win trade on the stock market, and also the most risky, because of the rapid fluctuations of the currency by the bullishness to bearishness or vice versa. In addition to the currency market there are other types of exchanges are: gold and silver exchanges, Petroleum Exchange, stocks and bonds, agricultural and energy crops. The currency exchanges are characterized by various indicators and technical analysis, news analysis and speed to obtain the profits.

The daily volume of currency trading in the forex market up to $ 3 trillion. And to compare recall that the size of the activities of the New York Stock Exchange does not exceed $ 300 billion per day, that half a year is needed for the New York Stock Exchange to reach the size of the currency market.

And I have a bond markets and future sales (Future - FUTURE) is a fundamental difference compared to the forex market failure: as they stop working at the end of the day and resume work with the next morning. Naturally, if you are trading in the markets of Germany, for example, occurred in America make a big impact on the market, you will probably find the market at the beginning of his work is greatly different from what I expected.

The forex market is not a market in the literal sense of the word, since it has no center and has no place where a certain exercise trading. The trade practiced by contact التلفوني and Internet computer at one time among the hundreds of banks around the world. Hundreds Alumblyonat of dollars are bought and sold every few seconds, and this is what is called currency trading.

Combines the forex market four regional markets: Australian and Asian, European and American. And continue trading operations in which every working day, and the market works around the clock ie 24 hours a day. And noted a relative lull from 20:00 until 01:00 GMT, and attributed to the closure of the New York Stock Exchange in the eighth pm and the start of the Tokyo Stock Exchange work at one in the morning.

The currency market is not about working hours because Almtjarh are exchanges between banks that are located in different parts of the world. And the Currency multiple major changes which helps to do some business operations in a single day. It is known that the declines significant impact on the financial markets, which could lead to the collapse of stocks or bonds. The forex market fall in the U.S. dollar (for example) means the rise of the price of other currencies, and there is no collapse, such as on stock or bond markets.

Founded Forex market (FOREX) for financial transactions between banks in 1971 when he turned in global trade transactions of using fixed values ​​of currencies to float values. And this is the result of a group of financial transactions carried out by agents of financial markets to convert a certain amount of money in one of the countries currency for another country's currency value of pre-agreed to a certain date. And identifies specific currency conversion rate for other currency simply: supply and demand for conversion approved by both parties.

The volume of transactions in the global capital market in steady growth. Associated with this great development in world trade and the lifting of the ban on the currency in many countries. That 80% of all transactions is a speculation in the currency market aim of profiting from differences in currency prices. This attracts many participants speculation whether financial organizations or individual investors.

As a result of the tremendous development in communications technology in the last two decades, this market has changed itself to a large degree. That currency dealer profession, which was surrounded by an aura of secrecy has become almost a collective. That trade in currencies, which was until recently limited to the big monopolistic banks became accessible to everyone as a result of electronic commerce. And even the largest banks in favor of electronic trading as well as a personal transaction between two parties.

The aim of the Forex market as an area for the use of financial possibilities of the person, mental and emotional is not a stroke of luck. Some may succeed in this, but not for long. The basic feature of the currency market is that it's a place for the success of using the intellectual possibilities.

One of the important characteristics of the currency market is a property of balance despite the fact that this seems strange. Everyone knows that the basic property of the financial market is the sudden decline. But the Forex market differs from the stock market in that it does not fall. When you lose value stocks have this collapse. But if the dollar collapsed, for example, it just means that other currency has become stronger - for example the Japanese yen, which has become in just a few months of 1998, almost the strongest quarter for the dollar. This decline of the dollar has reached for a few days in that period of tens of per cent. Although it did not happen the collapse of the market transactions continued as usual. In this confined to the stability of the currency market and its associated work. Currency Liquidity is a complete merchandise can be bought or sold at all times.

Currency market works all the time non-stop is not linked to specific working hours of the Stock Exchange, فالمعاملات be between banks located in different parts of the globe. The changes in currency rates are significantly and several times be sufficient to carry out several operations each day. If you have a proven trading technology and guaranteed you can make them work area does not compare its effectiveness the effectiveness of any other field. Therefore, we find the big banks acquire expensive equipment and used dozens of specialist trading in the various sections of the currency market.

The expenditure to engage in this work is not great. The fact that the business needs in this area of ​​primary and studied computer acquisition and purchase information service and insurance value does not exceed all together a few thousand dollars and this amount can not invest seriously in any other field. With an enormous supply of services in this area easy to find an experienced agent in the currency market. What is left after that depends on the stores. Conclude from this that the success in this area depends on you personally than in any other area of ​​work.

The main thing for success in this market is not the size of the money market intervention by as much as Permanent Hoturkaz on market study, and understand Makanekyate and desires of the participants. This results in the continuous improvement of the way you work and organize your trading. This did not happen to someone succeeded in the currency market relied on capital only.

I've cut the global currency system a long way in a thousand years of human history, but the changes that occur in today's most exciting and did not notify the minds of anyone before. There alter the basic define the new shape of the global system of currencies:

The Monetary inseparable now fully break with the any materially holder;
Technology has enabled communication and exchange of information collection of powerful financial systems of different countries in the global financial system and a single.
Attractive characteristics of the Forex market

Liquidity: the market is based on unlimited big money able to open and close any deal specific prices of currencies at the moment. I have a high degree of liquidity huge attraction for any investor as it gives him the freedom to open and close any deal and any size.
Hits: market rate for the work around the clock it is not on the traffickers in the market waiting to interact with a specific event, as the case may be, on the stock market and other markets.
Flexible transactions: trading system is characterized in the market flexibility as he can open a deal for a limited time previously by the desire of the investor thing that can be planned in advance the next activities.

Standard rates: the proportion of the high degree of liquidity in the market, we find that the vast majority of sales operations can be carried out at a flat rate, the thing that avoids the investor problem oscillators that offset in the market for selling the future or the stock exchanges and currency markets other where they are sold at a certain time and at a specified price only the quantity of limited currency.
Directional market: if I have any movement of the currencies market a particular direction can be traced back to any for quite some time. And give each a specific currency price change with its own time only, the thing that gives the investor the possibility of dealing in the market with tact.
The size of the margin: in the Forex market determines the size of the loan called margin or shoulder just agreement between the client and that the brokerage Omketb Bank, which gives him a way out of the market and is usually 1:100 any customer insurance in the amount of $ 1,000 can make a deal worth 100 thousand dollars. The use of such a large margin with currency fluctuations make this profitable market, but high risk as well.
Concepts are wrong:

There are two concepts are wrong about the Forex market first is that the work in this market resemble play roulette - one wins a large amount of money and lose the rest. It is natural to be a big risk. But Forex is not a roulette game, change in currency rates play a certain laws. First, the specific value of the currency depends on the country's economy indicators appointed. Secondly determined by the preferences and expectations of market participants. Despite the difficult work expectations, but it is possible. The work on the Forex market confirms this ratio because the analyzes include the positives more than a coincidence.

Today, we find that the risk and the risk is an integral part of actively carry out the work in market conditions, ie simply can say that the real amount for the success of any project or deal could be different from what was expected when the decision. But speculation in the capital market is considered the most risky and dangerous because it could be the loss ratio of the complexity and difficulty of predicting the behavior of the market can never guarantee a positive result. This fact alienated many working in the capital market, although he became accessible to everyone thanks to electronic communications technology and al-Qaeda massive analysis of information .

The second concept wrong is that someone profit must necessarily draw the loss of others. But speculation in the forex market is not, in many cases at the expense of changing currency rates, because there is a large group of participants using processes change the currency for other purposes (import and export, investment and tourism) is not playing fluctuations in prices for short times an important role for them. With the freedom to change the basic world currencies free floating rate determined by supply and demand become the process of changing the currency in itself a source of income, meaning that the currency is a commodity like any other commodity.

The currency market is the fact that, like other cash markets is never in equilibrium. The condition can be described as a case of a constant search for balance slider.

What is required for success in the currency market? The basic vehicle to get to it can be formed as follows

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